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FDK 14 Series of Outdoor High-voltage Wireless Three-phase Automatic Sectionalizer 

FDK 14 Series of Outdoor High-voltage Wireless Three-phase Automatic Sectionalizer


  FDK 14 series of outdoor high-voltage wireless three-phase automatic sectionalizer is the electronic control three-phase linkage sectionalizer, which is developed based on the FDK series outdoor high-voltage three-phase linkage sectionalizer. The only difference between these two series products is the linkage system. The FDK series is mechanical linkage system and FDK14 is wireless linkage system. The comparison pictures are shown as following:


  FDK Three-phase wireless sectionalizer is the electronic control to achieve three-phase wireless brake. The working principle is shown as: when the moment of two phase section of the sectionalizer are braking, they will send out brake instruction. The instruction signal will be received by other phase of the sectionalizer and brake accordingly, which the three phase simultaneously brake can be achieved.

  Three phase simultaneously brake can only be achieved when the load current is greater than 7~10A. If the the load current is less than 7~10A, which the two phase can normally brake and the third phase cannot.

  The sectionalizer is applied in three phase power system with AC 50Hz and rated voltage 10-40.5kV. It is installed on distribution overhead line to isolate fault when corporate with recloser or circuit breaker. When fault occurs on the line, the faults current reaches or exceed preset threshold value, the sectionalizer can memorize the tripping times of upstream recloser. When it reaches preset times, it drops down to trip automatically

  Sectionaliser will drop down to trip automatically on the condition as given below:

  First, the faults current exceeds presetting pickup current. Next, the counting time reaches presetting value (1, 2, 3 or 4). Third, the circuit loses voltage and the current is lower than 300mA. And then the Sectionlizer will trip automatically when the aforesaid conditions occur simultaneously. If any of aforesaid conditions doesn’t occur, the Sectionlaizer will not trip automatically.

  This sectionalizer uses micro-computer and operating trip mechanism and does not require external auxiliary supply.


  a) Ambient temperature:-40℃ - +60℃

  b) Altitude: FDK14-12/D200-10:2000 m,FDK14-40.5/D200-10:1000m;

  c) Wind pressure: not more than 700Pa

  d) Dirty proof grade:FDK14-12/D200-10:Ⅳ(Minimum specific creepage distance:42.5mm/kV);

  FDK14-40.5/D200-10:Ⅲ,(Minimum specific creepage distance:23.7mm/kV);

  e) Ice proof thickness:≤1mm;





  The sectionalizer is single phase high voltage equipment. It consists of insulator, contact, conductive rod parts working as primary system. The secondary part consists of CT and electronic controller and so on. Release action system consists of trip mechanism, detent and so on.


  The conductive rod is used as the core component of sectionalizer assuming electrical control and body movements, mainly is composed of a movable contact, a conductive tube, current transformer, control panel, a tripping mechanism, a reset mechanism, lower moving contact.

  Conductive tube manufacturing into a lot of new and high technology, which has the advantages of compact structure, high control accuracy, stability is strong, other products can not be compared. The starting current accuracy is ± 10%, the protective index to IP65 above, its mechanical life can be far higher than the national standards for 500 times, can reach 1500 times.

  FDK14-12/D200-10 Sectionalizer can trip by the agency of outdoor portable load operating tools.



  The current transformer built in the cutout sectionalizer can detect the current of the main circuit and send the output to the electronic control for digital handling. When a fault occurs, the upstream recloser (or circuit breaker) opens, the circuit loses voltage and the current is lower than 300mA, the electronic controller can remember this opening time as a “count”. As it accumulate the presetting number (1 to 4), the sectionalizer will automatic trips within 180ms of fault interruption to isolate fault. Then the upstream recloser (or circuit breaker) closes to restore power supply to the healthy section of the system to limit outage scope and protect the main feeder in service. If the fault is temporary and is cleared before the sectionalizer counter reaches the presetting number, the sectionalizer remains closed and resets to its original state after its reset time expires.The current transformer built in the cutout sectionalizer can detect the current of the main circuit and send the output to the electronic control for digital handling. When a fault occurs, the upstream recloser (or circuit breaker) opens, the circuit loses voltage and the current is lower than 300mA, the electronic controller can remember this opening time as a “count”. As it accumulate the presetting number (1 to 4), the sectionalizer will automatic trips within 180ms of fault interruption to isolate fault. Then the upstream recloser (or circuit breaker) closes to restore power supply to the healthy section of the system to limit outage scope and protect the main feeder in service. If the fault is temporary and is cleared before the sectionalizer counter reaches the presetting number, the sectionalizer remains closed and resets to its original state after its reset time expires.

  FDK Three-phase wireless sectionalizer is the electronic control to achieve three-phase wireless brake. The working principle is shown as: when the moment of two phase section of the sectionalizer are braking, they will send out brake instruction. The instruction signal will be received by other phase of the sectionalizer and brake accordingly, which the three phase simultaneously brake can be achieved.

  This segmenter starting current and counting times according to user pre-selected specifications in the factory has been completed debugging, but each segment is provided with four kinds of starting current and 1 to 4 counting times for site temporary adjustment, adjustment of the specific ways: first to unload the conducting pole with six angle wrench to unload the screw " on the moving contact, remove the " visible red dial switch, its upper end has four white toggle torsion, of which 1, 2 toggle torsional adjustment start current, 3, 4, the adjusting counting number. The different combinations can have different rated current and starting counting number.



  1、Easy installation just like drop down fuse, reliable operation.

  2、To discriminate a permanent fault from a temporary fault.

  3、Isolates temporary faults preventing extensive outages

  4、It can isolate fault line automatically to ensure healthy line operating normally.

  5、It has obvious visible opening point after dropping down and can help to find out fault point easily.

  6、No protection dead area.

  7、Rot proof, reliable operation for all-weather, all metal parts are made from copper and stainless steel.

  8、Cost performance ratio is high.

  9、Maintenance free.


  Normally, the sectionalizer is applied in conjunction with an upstream recloser or circuit breaker. Refer to the diagram

  For Example:

  The recloser applied in the substation is set( “1 fast and 2 slower’)3 shots to lockout and 6 units cutout sectionalizers (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6) are applied in the four branch line to separate 7 section ( L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7). The counts of F1 is set to 3 time, F2, F3, F5, are set to 2 times and F4, F6 are set to 1 times.

  If there is a fault E1 in section L5, a fault current flow the recloser and sectionalizer F1, F3, F4, The recloser trip and all the line lost voltage, The sectionalizer F4 trip after it reach to the presetting “count” number 1 and isolate the fault section L5, the rescloser reclose and restore the healthy section L1, L2, L3, L4, L6, L7 to service.


  If a fault E2 in section L6, a fault current flow the recloser and sectionalizer F1, F5, the recloser trip; if the fault is temporary, the recloser reclose to restore the line in service, then the sectionalizer F1, F5 remains closed and resets to its original state after a presetting time since it does not reach the presetting count number,. if the fault is permanent, the recloser fail to reclose successfully and trip again, all the line lost voltage and the sectionalizer F5 trip to isolate fault section L6 after it reaches the presetting count number 3, the sectionalizer F1 remain closes state since it does not reach the presetting count number. The recloser reclose again and restore the healthy section L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, to service.


  If a fault E3 in section L2, a fault current flow the recloser and sectionalizer F1, the recloser trip. If the fault is temporary the recloser reclose to restore the line in service, then the sectionalizer F1 remains closed and resets to its orginal state after a presetting time since it does not reach the presetting count number. If the fault is permanent , the recloser fail to reclose successfully and trip again all the line lost voltage and the sectionalizer F1 trip to isolate fault section L2 after it reach the presetting count number 3, The recloser reclose again and restore the healthy section L1 to service.


  The count number of sectionalizer is set 1 time normally as it applied in the end of substation because almost fault occurring at the end of substation is permanent and is set 2 or 3 times applied on the overhead line because almost fault applied on the overhead line is temporary.

  In this co-ordination, the sectionalizer can easily and optimized co-ordinate.


  The Catalog Number System:


  For example, the pickup current of sectionalizer has four classes and three specifications, the counting time can be choosed.
